كنت كلما رأيتها في لباسها الفلسطيني المليء بالمزركشات والموتيفات الحية والنوار، اعترتني رغبة في أخذ الفرشاة بجنون وتغميسها في لباسها ورسم أشكال مجنونة من ألوان فستانها – واسيني الأعرج

كنت كلما رأيتها في لباسها الفلسطيني المليء بالمزركشات والموتيفات الحية والنوار، اعترتني رغبة في أخذ الفرشاة بجنون وتغميسها في لباسها ورسم أشكال مجنونة من ألوان فستانها – واسيني الأعرج

I just do art because I’m ugly and there’s nothing else for me to do. – Andy Warhol

I just do art because I’m ugly and there’s nothing else for me to do. – Andy Warhol

A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world. – Edmond de Goncourt

A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world. – Edmond de Goncourt

You know how writers are… they create themselves as they create their work. Or perhaps they create their work in order to create themselves. – Orson Scott Card

You know how writers are… they create themselves as they create their work. Or perhaps they create their work in order to create themselves. – Orson Scott Card

I have no duty to be anyone’s Friend and no man in the world has a duty to be mine. No claims, no shadow of necessity. Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival. – C.S. Lewis

I have no duty to be anyone’s Friend and no man in the world has a duty to be mine. No claims, no shadow of necessity. Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival. – C.S. Lewis

Creativity thrives where its roots are crowded. – Ozzie Zehner

Creativity thrives where its roots are crowded. – Ozzie Zehner

Every now and then one paints a picture that seems to have opened a door and serves as a stepping stone to other things. – Pablo Picasso

Every now and then one paints a picture that seems to have opened a door and serves as a stepping stone to other things. – Pablo Picasso

You are born an artist or you are not. And you stay an artist, dear, even if your voice is less of a fireworks. The artist is always there. – Maria Callas

You are born an artist or you are not. And you stay an artist, dear, even if your voice is less of a fireworks. The artist is always there. – Maria Callas