You know how writers are… they create themselves as they create their work. Or perhaps they create their work in order to create themselves. – Orson Scott Card

You know how writers are… they create themselves as they create their work. Or perhaps they create their work in order to create themselves. – Orson Scott Card

Art is a bang, un! – Deidara

Art is a bang, un! – Deidara

Art is not a thing; it is a way. – Elbert Hubbard

Art is not a thing; it is a way. – Elbert Hubbard

A guilty conscience needs to confess. A work of art is a confession. – Albert Camus

A guilty conscience needs to confess. A work of art is a confession. – Albert Camus

I will always know the glory of the beautiful and rare, as they will know security from labour and prayer. As they will hear the laughter of the children they gave life, I will know the torments of the song born under knife. – Roman Payne

I will always know the glory of the beautiful and rare, as they will know security from labour and prayer. As they will hear the laughter of the children they gave life, I will know the torments of the song born under knife. – Roman Payne

Music gives color to the air of the moment. – Karl Lagerfeld

Music gives color to the air of the moment. – Karl Lagerfeld

Yang indah memang bisa menghibur selama-lamanya, membubuhkan luka selama-lamanya, meskipun puisi dan benda seni bisa lenyap. Ia seakan-akan roh yang hadir dan pergi ketika kata dilupakan dan benda jadi aus. Tapi apa arti roh tanpa tubuh yang buncah dan terbelah? Keindahan tak bisa jadi total. Ketika ia merangkum total, ia abstrak, dan manusia dan dunia tak akan saling menyapa lagi. – Goenawan Mohamad

Yang indah memang bisa menghibur selama-lamanya, membubuhkan luka selama-lamanya, meskipun puisi dan benda seni bisa lenyap. Ia seakan-akan roh yang hadir dan pergi ketika kata dilupakan dan benda jadi aus.

Tapi apa arti roh tanpa tubuh yang buncah dan terbelah? Keindahan tak bisa jadi total. Ketika ia merangkum total, ia abstrak, dan manusia dan dunia tak akan saling menyapa lagi. – Goenawan Mohamad

What I’m trying to describe is that it’s impossible to get out of your skin into somebody else’s…. That somebody else’s tragedy is not the same as your own. – Diane Arbus

What I’m trying to describe is that it’s impossible to get out of your skin into somebody else’s…. That somebody else’s tragedy is not the same as your own. – Diane Arbus

Inspiration is a byproduct of discipline… simply getting up everyday and planning, plotting, sketching, setting up or actually applying paint to a painting. – Beverly Claridge

Inspiration is a byproduct of discipline… simply getting up everyday and planning, plotting, sketching, setting up or actually applying paint to a painting. – Beverly Claridge

One of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one’s own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and thought. – Albert Einstein

One of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one’s own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and thought. – Albert Einstein

The job is what you do when you are told what to do. The job is showing up at the factory, following instructions, meeting spec, and being managed. Someone can always do your job a little better or faster or cheaper than you can. The job might be difficult, it might require skill, but it’s a job. Your art is what you do when no one can tell you exactly how to do it. Your art is the act of taking personal responsibility, challenging the status quo, and changing people. I call the process of doing your art ‘the work.’ It’s possible to have a job and do the work, too. In fact, that’s how you become a linchpin. The job is not the work. – Seth Godin

The job is what you do when you are told what to do. The job is showing up at the factory, following instructions, meeting spec, and being managed.

Someone can always do your job a little better or faster or cheaper than you can.

The job might be difficult, it might require skill, but it’s a job.

Your art is what you do when no one can tell you exactly how to do it. Your art is the act of taking personal responsibility, challenging the status quo, and changing people.

I call the process of doing your art ‘the work.’ It’s possible to have a job and do the work, too. In fact, that’s how you become a linchpin.

The job is not the work. – Seth Godin

Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art.” (Last words, according to Dickens’s obituary in The Times.) – Charles Dickens

Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art.”

(Last words, according to Dickens’s obituary in The Times.) – Charles Dickens