Art is whether or not there is a scream in him wanting to get out in a special way. – Chaim Potok

Art is whether or not there is a scream in him wanting to get out in a special way. – Chaim Potok

I make art for one person and one person only. And as soon as I find that one person, I sure hope he has a lot of wall space, because he’ll be getting a lot of art from me. – Jarod Kintz

I make art for one person and one person only. And as soon as I find that one person, I sure hope he has a lot of wall space, because he’ll be getting a lot of art from me. – Jarod Kintz

Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art.” (Last words, according to Dickens’s obituary in The Times.) – Charles Dickens

Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art.”

(Last words, according to Dickens’s obituary in The Times.) – Charles Dickens