People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish… but that’s only if it’s done properly. – Banksy

People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish… but that’s only if it’s done properly. – Banksy

Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art.” (Last words, according to Dickens’s obituary in The Times.) – Charles Dickens

Be natural my children. For the writer that is natural has fulfilled all the rules of art.”

(Last words, according to Dickens’s obituary in The Times.) – Charles Dickens

Maybe you are a poet and a dreamer, but don’t you realize that those two species are extinct now? – J.G. Ballard

Maybe you are a poet and a dreamer, but don’t you realize that those two species are extinct now? – J.G. Ballard