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Arturo Vega: I always thought the ONLY way to really conquer evil is to make love to it. My favourite dream is always the one where I face the devil. I’m in the nude and the devil appears, and he is a beautiful blue. He looks like a mannequin, he looks like a robot. He doesn’t have any clothes on, of course, and he’s blue and shiny. I keep hearing voices that say, “It’s him! It’s him!” And I go, “Okay.” So he comes and faces me and I look at him and he’s a little taller than me, not much taller, but a little taller, and I say, “I like you.” And he says, “I like you too.” But he starts beating me up, RA RA RA RA, and I’m down on the floor – and then all of the sudden, he turns into a little baby, like a baby, just a few months old, and then I fuck him, ha ha ha ha. And while I’m fucking him, he’s moving his hands, he’s moving them like a helpless baby. So I always thought that to conquer evil, you have to make love to it. You have to understand it. – Legs McNeil

Arturo Vega: I always thought the ONLY way to really conquer evil is to make love to it. My favourite dream is always the one where I face the devil. I’m in the nude and the devil appears, and he is a beautiful blue. He looks like a mannequin, he looks like a robot. He doesn’t have any clothes on, of course, and he’s blue and shiny. I keep hearing voices that say, “It’s him! It’s him!” And I go, “Okay.”

So he comes and faces me and I look at him and he’s a little taller than me, not much taller, but a little taller, and I say, “I like you.” And he says, “I like you too.” But he starts beating me up, RA RA RA RA, and I’m down on the floor – and then all of the sudden, he turns into a little baby, like a baby, just a few months old, and then I fuck him, ha ha ha ha. And while I’m fucking him, he’s moving his hands, he’s moving them like a helpless baby.

So I always thought that to conquer evil, you have to make love to it. You have to understand it. – Legs McNeil

If it’s a pure expression of yourself no matter what it is or what medium, it’s going to shine. It’s going to resonate. You could look inside of yourself and you could have a canvas and you could paint a dot in it, but if that is where your creative purpose is taking you then it needs to be that dot. – Rainn Wilson

If it’s a pure expression of yourself no matter what it is or what medium, it’s going to shine. It’s going to resonate. You could look inside of yourself and you could have a canvas and you could paint a dot in it, but if that is where your creative purpose is taking you then it needs to be that dot. – Rainn Wilson

I don’t like to make a distinction between the writer and the painter , finally , because I do both things anyway . Everybody’s dreaming and trying to put down their dreams in the way that their hand knows best . I feel as much a unity , as much comradeship , with painters as I do writers . – Clive Barker

I don’t like to make a distinction between the writer and the painter , finally , because I do both things anyway . Everybody’s dreaming and trying to put down their dreams in the way that their hand knows best . I feel as much a unity , as much comradeship , with painters as I do writers . – Clive Barker