There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything. – Alberto Caeiro

We all humans are seed and gods are trees..and every seed have capacity to be tree – Arya vidhan

We all humans are seed and gods are trees..and every seed have capacity to be tree – Arya vidhan