Stop acting so small, you are as big as the universe!!!!!!!! – Stephen Richards

Stop acting so small, you are as big as the universe!!!!!!!! – Stephen Richards

You can’t fake joy. Authentic joy is the kind that grows out of the soil of pain and doubt and fear, because that is the reality of the world. – Holly Ordway

You can’t fake joy. Authentic joy is the kind that grows out of the soil of pain and doubt and fear, because that is the reality of the world. – Holly Ordway

Your Results will only change when you change your mindset, thinking and actions. – Tony Dovale

Your Results will only change when you change your mindset, thinking and actions. – Tony Dovale

There is nothing more important to me than friendship. Nothing makes me feel happier, more loved, or more alive than when I make a friend. When one of my friends is upset, I will drop absolutely everything and focus on making them feel better no matter the cost to myself. And when I lose a friend, or I have an argument with someone I care about; I feel like I have failed. I feel like I do not deserve to call myself a friend because I clearly was not there when they needed me most. In my heart, there is a terrible, wrenching feeling that I get when I realize that I have hurt someone I care about. This is why I place such high value on my friends. To me, they are worth everything I have to give and more. They are my reason for getting up every morning, and I live to see them smile. – Aaron Usery

There is nothing more important to me than friendship. Nothing makes me feel happier, more loved, or more alive than when I make a friend. When one of my friends is upset, I will drop absolutely everything and focus on making them feel better no matter the cost to myself. And when I lose a friend, or I have an argument with someone I care about; I feel like I have failed. I feel like I do not deserve to call myself a friend because I clearly was not there when they needed me most. In my heart, there is a terrible, wrenching feeling that I get when I realize that I have hurt someone I care about. This is why I place such high value on my friends. To me, they are worth everything I have to give and more. They are my reason for getting up every morning, and I live to see them smile. – Aaron Usery

I’m not going to be what people tell me to be!” “Why?” “Because if I did that I’d be dead right now! – Natalie Mark

I’m not going to be what people tell me to be!”
“Because if I did that I’d be dead right now! – Natalie Mark

Rethink Your Success Mindset: Times are getting tougher. We need tougher mindsets to ensure that we go beyond survive to thrive. – Tony Dovale

Rethink Your Success Mindset: Times are getting tougher. We need tougher mindsets to ensure that we go beyond survive to thrive. – Tony Dovale

Success is not a process of accumulating wealth, building mass relationship or collecting things in excess, but developing, excelling, fostering and growing the happiness for self and others without recess to treat it as the life’s progress. – Anuj Somany

Success is not a process of accumulating wealth, building mass relationship or collecting things in excess, but developing, excelling, fostering and growing the happiness for self and others without recess to treat it as the life’s progress. – Anuj Somany