Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. – Neil Gaiman

Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. – Neil Gaiman

They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same. – Kurt Cobain

They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same. – Kurt Cobain

They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same. – Kurt Cobain

They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same. – Kurt Cobain

Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the mext moment – Oprah Winfrey

Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the mext moment – Oprah Winfrey

What hurts us is what heals us – Paulo Coelho

What hurts us is what heals us – Paulo Coelho

And so I wait. I wait for time to heal the pain and raise me to me feet once again – so that I can start a new path, my own path, the one that will make me whole again. – Jack Canfield

And so I wait. I wait for time to heal the pain and raise me to me feet once again – so that I can start a new path, my own path, the one that will make me whole again. – Jack Canfield

Some people could look at a mud puddle and see an ocean with ships. – Zora Neale Hurston

Some people could look at a mud puddle and see an ocean with ships. – Zora Neale Hurston