The hardest battle you are ever going to have to fight is the battle to be just you. – Leo Buscaglia

The hardest battle you are ever going to have to fight is the battle to be just you. – Leo Buscaglia

And so I wait. I wait for time to heal the pain and raise me to me feet once again – so that I can start a new path, my own path, the one that will make me whole again. – Jack Canfield

And so I wait. I wait for time to heal the pain and raise me to me feet once again – so that I can start a new path, my own path, the one that will make me whole again. – Jack Canfield

Tearing down the rest of the world won’t make you happy. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That’s what fills the emptiness. It’s the only things that can. – A.G. Howard

Tearing down the rest of the world won’t make you happy. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That’s what fills the emptiness. It’s the only things that can. – A.G. Howard

But why think about that when all the golden lands ahead of you and all kinds of unforseen events wait lurking to surprise you and make you glad you’re alive to see? – Jack Kerouac

But why think about that when all the golden lands ahead of you and all kinds of unforseen events wait lurking to surprise you and make you glad you’re alive to see? – Jack Kerouac

Tearing down the rest of the world won’t make you happy. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That’s what fills the emptiness. It’s the only things that can. – A.G. Howard

Tearing down the rest of the world won’t make you happy. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That’s what fills the emptiness. It’s the only things that can. – A.G. Howard

Have you ever seen the stars in the night? See them closely, they will tell you, how to be open, how to love and how to shine and twinkle without any differences and jealousy of other stars. – Santosh Kalwar

Have you ever seen the stars in the night? See them closely, they will tell you, how to be open, how to love and how to shine and twinkle without any differences and jealousy of other stars. – Santosh Kalwar

Here is a rule to remember in future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not “This is misfortune,” but “To bear this worthily is good fortune. – Marcus Aurelius

Here is a rule to remember in future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not “This is misfortune,” but “To bear this worthily is good fortune. – Marcus Aurelius

I am a strong believer in the tyranny, the dictatorship, the absolute authority of the writer. – Philip Pullman

I am a strong believer in the tyranny, the dictatorship, the absolute authority of the writer. – Philip Pullman

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up – Nelson Mandela

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up – Nelson Mandela

I don’t chase after anyone, If you wanna walk out of my life, then I’ll hold the fucking door open for you. – Wiz Khalifa

I don’t chase after anyone, If you wanna walk out of my life, then I’ll hold the fucking door open for you. – Wiz Khalifa

They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same. – Kurt Cobain

They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same. – Kurt Cobain

There’s a hunger for stories in all of us, adults too. We need stories so much that we’re even willing to read bad books to get them, if the good books won’t supply them. – Philip Pullman

There’s a hunger for stories in all of us, adults too. We need stories so much that we’re even willing to read bad books to get them, if the good books won’t supply them. – Philip Pullman