The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful. – Swami Vivekananda

The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful. – Swami Vivekananda

You should never assume. You know what happens when you assume. You make an ass out of you and me because that’s how it’s spelled. – Ellen DeGeneres

You should never assume. You know what happens when you assume. You make an ass out of you and me because that’s how it’s spelled. – Ellen DeGeneres

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

If we don’t change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going. – Jodi Picoult

If we don’t change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going. – Jodi Picoult

No Difference Small as a peanut, Big as a giant, We’re all the same size When we turn off the light. Rich as a sultan, Poor as a mite, We’re all worth the same When we turn off the light. Red, black or orange, Yellow or white, We all look the same When we turn off the light. So maybe the way, To make everything right Is for god to just reach out And turn off the light! – Shel Silverstein

No Difference

Small as a peanut,
Big as a giant,
We’re all the same size
When we turn off the light.

Rich as a sultan,
Poor as a mite,
We’re all worth the same
When we turn off the light.

Red, black or orange,
Yellow or white,
We all look the same
When we turn off the light.

So maybe the way,
To make everything right
Is for god to just reach out
And turn off the light! – Shel Silverstein

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

You can only be afraid of what you think you know. – Jiddu Krishnamurti

You can only be afraid of what you think you know. – Jiddu Krishnamurti

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

Remember tonight… for it is the beginning of always – Dante Alighieri

Remember tonight… for it is the beginning of always – Dante Alighieri

Your world is a living expression of how you are using and have used your mind. – Earl Nightingale

Your world is a living expression of how you are using and have used your mind. – Earl Nightingale

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes

Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him. – T.D. Jakes