Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

If we don’t change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going. – Jodi Picoult

If we don’t change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going. – Jodi Picoult

You should never assume. You know what happens when you assume. You make an ass out of you and me because that’s how it’s spelled. – Ellen DeGeneres

You should never assume. You know what happens when you assume. You make an ass out of you and me because that’s how it’s spelled. – Ellen DeGeneres

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America… with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world. – Walt Disney Company

To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America… with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world. – Walt Disney Company

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates

Andaikata semua kehidupan ini menyakitkan, maka di luar sana pasti masih ada sepotong bagian yang menyenangkan. Kemudian kau akan membenak pasti ada sesuatu yang jauh lebih indah dari menatap rembulan di langit. Kau tidak tahu apa itu, karna ilmumu terbatas. Kau hanya yakin , bila tidak di kehidupan ini suatu saat nanti pasti akan ada yang lebih mempesona dibanding menatap sepotong rembulan yang sedang bersinar indah. – Tere Liye

Andaikata semua kehidupan ini menyakitkan, maka di luar sana pasti masih ada sepotong bagian yang menyenangkan. Kemudian kau akan membenak pasti ada sesuatu yang jauh lebih indah dari menatap rembulan di langit. Kau tidak tahu apa itu, karna ilmumu terbatas. Kau hanya yakin , bila tidak di kehidupan ini suatu saat nanti pasti akan ada yang lebih mempesona dibanding menatap sepotong rembulan yang sedang bersinar indah. – Tere Liye

Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends. – Alphonse de Lamartine

Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends. – Alphonse de Lamartine

No Difference Small as a peanut, Big as a giant, We’re all the same size When we turn off the light. Rich as a sultan, Poor as a mite, We’re all worth the same When we turn off the light. Red, black or orange, Yellow or white, We all look the same When we turn off the light. So maybe the way, To make everything right Is for god to just reach out And turn off the light! – Shel Silverstein

No Difference

Small as a peanut,
Big as a giant,
We’re all the same size
When we turn off the light.

Rich as a sultan,
Poor as a mite,
We’re all worth the same
When we turn off the light.

Red, black or orange,
Yellow or white,
We all look the same
When we turn off the light.

So maybe the way,
To make everything right
Is for god to just reach out
And turn off the light! – Shel Silverstein

You are old beyond your years Zoeybird. Believe in yourself and you will find a way. But remember darkness does not always equate to evil just like light does not always bring good. – P.C. Cast

You are old beyond your years Zoeybird. Believe in yourself and you will find a way. But remember darkness does not always equate to evil just like light does not always bring good. – P.C. Cast