What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. – Plutarch

What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. – Plutarch

Before I go,” he said, and paused — “I may kiss her?” It was remembered afterwards that when he bent down and touched her face with his lips, he murmured some words. The child, who was nearest to him, told them afterwards, and told her grandchildren when she was a handsome old lady, that she heard him say, “A life you love. – Charles Dickens

Before I go,” he said, and paused — “I may kiss her?”

It was remembered afterwards that when he bent down and touched her face with his lips, he murmured some words. The child, who was nearest to him, told them afterwards, and told her grandchildren when she was a handsome old lady, that she heard him say, “A life you love. – Charles Dickens

What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. – Plutarch

What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. – Plutarch