I think there is a song out there to describe just about any situation. – Criss Jami
I think there is a song out there to describe just about any situation. – Criss Jami
I think there is a song out there to describe just about any situation. – Criss Jami
I think there is a song out there to describe just about any situation. – Criss Jami
If ever you feel like an animal among men, be a lion. – Criss Jami
If ever you feel like an animal among men, be a lion. – Criss Jami
If ever you feel like an animal among men, be a lion. – Criss Jami
Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back. – Criss Jami
Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back. – Criss Jami
Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live. – Criss Jami
Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live. – Criss Jami
Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live. – Criss Jami